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Throughout the age’s education has been a key to the development of a just and thoughtful society. The role of a teacher is to help the student along this path. The teacher has the job of opening doors for the student. It is the student’s choice whether they walk through that door. A teacher is never there to provide the answer. Just as Socrates would continue to question without giving an answer, a teacher must challenge a student to dig deeper.

Children are human. As a human being, we search, we learn, and we discover. If we are exposed to the unknown we may quiver at the edge of the abyss, but if there is a person there to help guide us, we can be brave. Our history is a vital tool to help us learn and grow. How can we go forward if we don’t know where we have been? But should a teacher only teach our history? Should they only expose the mind to the past? To thoughts and ideas that challenges humanity from the recorded age? No.

We are individuals. We all have challenges and unique stories. We are not history; we are now.

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